donderdag 2 februari 2023

LADY FINGERS THE BLUES (English translation)

The café sat idly gabbing. Every week, musicians managed to shake the most congenial blues out of their maw on an area of merely four square tiles.

An Asian-looking Amy Winehouse Junior also sprinkled her complimentary talent promisingly among hungry ears. The musicians followed her compass.

Change of vocal guard.

An elegantly toned gazelle slipped onto the stage as if in a trance. Her striking headgear that looked like a pilot's hat for polar bears in a drag show for Russian oligarchs, shone like a lighthouse over the heads of the café-goers. The musicians were still enjoying a tad smugly after their success -at Amy Junior's expense-, when they were suddenly called back to order by an icy primal scream like that of a woman giving birth, from the mouth of the pilote. Her eyes were at destination infinity, her gestures wild, unregulated. The entire café seemed invited compulsorily to watch in her delivery room the birth of her invisible yet all too tangible smarte child. Though she did not seem to know exactly how she was going to musically channel her pent-up frustrations, the drugs she had taken would somehow help her rage get out. Though it would require her to finger herself on stage. Even if she would have to include unfiltered recitatives of abuse and even rape. Even if her pimp would come in person and drag her off the stage by her head hair. 

Miraculously, the musicians still found some kind of musical armour to temper her furious suffering into something that would later come to be called a blues. The gazelle eventually balanced from rage over tears to a milder form of human emotion, as if by screaming her song from her body she had swallowed five Prozac pills and been given three injections of liquid Valium. The pub owner passing by, was already happily cashing in on his Valentine, whispering some "reward" in her ear.

Finally, the numb nymph strode off stage to receive some accolades.

Even though the audience had lost a few frequencies of hearing, I was firmly convinced that almost everyone had each become a bit of a better person by listening to her.


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2 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze eigenwijze getalenteerde duizendpoot met moeilijk gemakkelijke handleiding heeft een onwijs talent voor taal en beschrijft een situatie, een beleving nog beter dan ze in het echt was....volg deze creatieveling, deze bijzondere dame en geef ze een platform waar ze zich ten volle kan ontplooien...ze zal niet teleurstellen, promised.....dank voor wie je bent....

  2. Dankjewel voor deze leuke reactie! De handleiding is altijd verkrijgbaar op aanvraag ;-)
